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Scrap a car for cash in Bacup, sell your car for scrapping in Bacup

We can scrap your car legally in Bacup, free collection and disposal, scrap a car and get cash today!

Bacup entertainment in the early 19th Century for our Bacupian ancestors consisted of such activites as cock fighting, dog fighting and badger baiting . A favourite location for these activities was Crown Point. The annual fair which up until the late 1860s was held in the Union Street areas quite often featured the sad spectacle of bear baiting.Gambling was very popular, and with an abumdance of pubs court appearances for gambling and being drunk and disorderly were common, in 1865 a Bacup man was brought before the court for biting off the head of a live rat for a bet. Bacup held many celebration parades these were known as demonstrations, in the early years of Bacup’s history they were used as a way of raising funds for the various charities such as Hospital Sunday. If there was one thing our Bacup and Stacksteads ancestors knew how to do it was Celebrate. Whether it be a Royal Coronation, Royal Visit, Carnival, Church Parade or Fund Raising event out would come the bunting and the crowds.Like many industrial towns in the North Bacup and Stacksteads had its own brass bands, Bacup Old Band which became Irwell Springs and Change Band were two of the most popular , during the 1860s Stacksteads band being described in 1873 as a young band . The Bands played at concerts, garden parties and Sunday schools processions. Taking part in the various band contest such as Belle Vue which began in 1853 and Crystal Palace which began in 1860.Whilst several theaters appear in the local newspapers during the early 1860s the only one which seems to be of a permanent structure was Pickles Theater others such as the Royal Standard and Lyceum seem to be mobile theaters.In 1867 a young man brought to Bacup to entertain the populace with his euphonium was thtreatened with death and all other sorts of unimaginable things. It was common for concerts to be disrupted by marauding children and adults and theaters in general had a very unsavoury reputation until the opening of the Royal Court Theater. The first organised sporting activities in Bacup were gymnastics and athletics, followed by cricket , football and swimming. With an abundance of well built men who worked in the quarries,and mines bare knuckle fighting was also a common and popular past-time. Broadclough was describe in 1865 as a scene of disorder and riot, with men comming reeling out of the local inn still dressed in thier filthy work clothes and clogs, swearing, cursing and fighting looking like the filthiest rascals Lancashire could ever produce.

Bacup has its share of war veterans even so far back as the battle of Waterloo. In June 1859 the 4th company of the 1st Battalion of the Lancashire Rifle Volunteers was formed by Robert Munn later to be Captain Munntheir headquarters was at the Commercial Inn at Stacksteads. Rumours were rife at this time of an invasion of England by France and Tennyson’s well known song “Riflemen form” aroused the military ardour of men across the country including the Rossendale Valley.During the Zulu war of 1879 it was reported in the Bacup Times that a former landlord of the Commercial Inn at Stacksteads called by his friends Boots this well liked popular man had joined the brave ranks of the 24th Foot Regiment and had fallen for his country at Rorkes Drift, Isandhlwana. For over six months the locals believed William had found a soldiers grave. Then another report appeared in the August edition stating that far from being killed he was actually alive and well and living in the Irish barracks in Mullingar. August 4th 1914, saw Britain declare war on Germany Britain had 247,432 regular troops on 7th August, 1914, Lord Kitchener, the war minister, immediately began a recruiting campaign by calling for men aged between 19 and 30 to join the British Army. Bacup like many other small towns and villages rallied to the call never failing over the following four and half years in duty or patriotism. And at home the nurses of the St Johns ambulance worked tirelessly to care and comfort the wounded soldiers who came to recover at Fernhill Military Hospital. While standing in the pouring rain children wept as they remmebered thier fathers at the opening of the Bacup cenotaph. Shortly after 11.30 on September 3rd 1939 the words This Country Is At War With Germany were heard by men women and children and once again our memfolk went off to war.

How A Car Is Scrapped

We will collect the scrap car from Bacup or the surrounding area and dispose of it through our nationwide network of 23 fully licensed Authorised Treatment Facility (ATF) Sites who will scrap your car in line with End of Life (ELV) Legislation, and provide you with a Certificate of Destruction which we file online with the DVLA. So you can rest assured your car has been scrapped legally.

For a hassle free fast way to scrap your car in Bacup please complete the fields in the form to the right and we will provide an instant online scrap car price with the choice to accept and arrange scrapping or decline our scrap car offer.

Should you have any queries, then please contact a member of our team on 03001000277 to discuss your scrap car collection and what cash payment you will receive, or alternatively contact us and let us know your scrap a car for cash query.

Raw2K ATF sites utilise the advised environmental disposal methods/process as per ELV/ATF Guidelines and legislation.

Raw2Ks operations are focused upon lowering our waste and increasing recycling, therefore providing us with a controlled and reduced sustainability impact wherever possible. A scrap car is much greener than an abandoned car and the owner is paid cash for scrapping their car.

Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 Important Information

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"Thankyou so much for the care and speed that you gave me for scrapping my car. I'd had her a long time and was sad to see her go, but the guy who removed the car was so professional about it, it was easier than I thought. I would definitely recommend you to anybody in the future." Les & Jackie Eales